By far the most popular research study, I recruit dream clients and conduct market research starting with a comprehensive survey that gathers quantitative data to understand your audience’s awareness and initial product/service response.
Then I conduct up to ten 45 minute one-to-one interviews to better understand where your audience is at in the buyer journey, if there are other markets that your company can tap into (that have not yet been discovered), and develop buyer personas based off of the quantitative findings.
Finally, a complete competitive analysis is designed, using a secondary market research method that allows you to see how your brand matches up to the competitors in your industry.
The entrepreneur who gets the most out of this study is looking for an end-to-end solution that will give them complete control over their next business move.
They may have tried to run their own market research study in the past but got stuck somewhere in the process, making it overwhelming, stressful, and or expensive.
The VIP Market Research Study allows CEO’s to completely relax while I better understand their audience’s attitude, behaivors, and purchasing habits by identify jackpot opportunities and how you can make bank on them.